A Central Piece  Of The Puzzle

A Central Piece Of The Puzzle

Sarah Ball, Joint MD at Balls2 Marketing and ‘Chief PiG’ at the People in Glazing Society (PiGs), explains why speaking to companies from across the supply chain is key to a strong industry, and how the PiGs networking events offer that opportunity in a relaxed environment. 

When installing a new window or door, it often goes unnoticed at how many singular working parts have been brought together to get this product ready to install.

Take a new door for example. There are many areas of expertise from various companies that go into making that singular door. From the system design and manufacture, to adding the frame and hardware, and all of this happens before its delivered, ready to be installed.

This joined up approach is something that the glazing sector does so brilliantly and so easily, day in, day out when it comes to the product.

But when it comes to collaborating in different areas, such as how we can attract more people into the sector, or how to professionalise the industry, we don’t seem to join the dots in the same way.

But at PiGs, especially during our networking events, we bring people together from right across the supply chain, which includes everything from multinational companies to local businesses. What we want going forward, is to use these events as a springboard to lay the foundations to bring this industry into a better future, together.

What we are NOT going to do is sit you down and make you listen to hours upon hours of presentations of why we need to do it. We’ll do it in the way we are renowned for, a great relaxed atmosphere, in a bar, with some of the best people in our industry.

And on top of that, we want to facilitate these conversations even further, outside of the networking events. Our industry podcast, Two PiGs in a Pod, is ideally situated to have guests come on and push that conversation even further.

Is your company doing some great things and able to hire some brilliant apprentices? Tell us how. Is your company team turnover extremely low? Tell us how you’re doing that. That little nugget of information might just help another company do something different that can help them, and the sector, into a brighter future.

Just like a window or a door, a joined-up approach is the key to success. We’ll do our bit, but we can’t do it without you.

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